This dream was unique in the respect that I wasn’t a participant till the very end. I was an educated spectator for the majority as I watched the story unfold. When I did finally appear in the narrative (towards its conclusion) I was so attached empathically to the protagonist I had no choice but to help.
A girl had taken to the wilderness after rejecting her worldly lifestyle. She still maintained a feeling of modernity in dress and in bearing. Somehow she took up with a rugged, nomadic, American family who had devoted their lives to the open range. It was a family of four, father, mother, son, and daughter. The children were young adolescents. They were atavistic, frontiers-people, like the Amish, but passionately adhering to a style of living from the 1800s. The boys were dressed in thick trousers, coarsely woven button-down shirts, vests, and wide-brimmed hats. The women wore long dresses, thick outer-coats, dresses, and bonnets and kept their hair long.
Instead of actually homesteading they had decided to roam endlessly, foraging for food and only rarely even setting up a shelter of any sort. After allowing the girl to travel with them, the father developed a deep infatuation for her. She had an incredibly devout almost pious quality about her and this allowed her to blend into their newly polygamist, family unit.
They wandered together for a period of several weeks. They never found any sort of permanent habitation. On occasion, they would build some sort of lean-to or camp underneath a large tree. The landscape remained quite spare and generic throughout.; even plains, low-lying hills, scrub brush, and dwarfish trees. They engaged in a haphazard sort of prayer every couple of days. The father generally held forth an organized sermon for his family and mistress. They would sit cross-legged and listen attentively as he rambled on about various topics; it had low-grade christian overtones and a hint of pidgin shamanism. Periodically he would lecture on the merits of his relationship with the other woman and how it coincided with some larger divine plan.
The father and mistress would steal away periodically to make love and gaze longingly at each other. Over time the wife, who was considerably older and more ragged from the years of exposure gradually became jealous and conspiratorial with her children. They began generating a palpable malevolent attitude towards the girl which was all the more obvious given their small numbers.
One day, during particularly heavy rainfall, the children began to fall ill. The father became incredibly confused by the turn of events as by that point they had managed to keep quite a resilient, hardy constitution and he assumed the same was true of his children. As the children grew visibly more ill the new wife took it upon herself to attempt some sort of curative ablution rite in an enormous mud puddle. She began scrubbing the sick children, fully-clothed, in the enormous puddle with enormous handfuls of mud and stone. The wife and father suddenly fell on each other weeping. It was as if all of their provincial, self-abusive Christian morals had collapsed in on each other. They lay next to one another in the fetal position, quietly sobbing in a mud puddle so opaque and viscous that it resembled tar. I remember looking down on them and seeing the ripples emanate outwards from their bodies in a way that defied physics and reality.
After this episode the girl decided to escape under cover of night, she realized her dynamic within the group was untenable and she wanted to return to her normal life. With relative ease, she walked out of the wilderness onto the grounds of a huge private high school or university. This is where we met and I was introduced to the dream. I immediately took her inside the massive gymnasium to get her some cover and comfort. There was a massive practice underway and we sat in the bleachers. I gave her a blanket and we talked as we watched the sports happen. At the same time, the father had begun tracking her and had wandered onto campus. He realized she was in the gym and began trying to make his way inside. The athletes were running around chasing various balls and I willed them to multiply and create an enormous chaotic wall of gym activity. Suddenly the gym was filled wall-to-wall with exercising girls just as the father stepped in. The girls became a churning ocean of gym shorts, ponytails, and bouncing balls. I realized the father had disappeared as had been trampled underfoot by their frenzy.