This was a post-Thanksgiving meal dream. I was wandering around New York City attempting to plan some sort of vast marketing/propagandistic initiative. I had been offered the contact information of some prominent ad wizard who I could not seem to get a hold of. It had been suggested that he lived in some sort of secret compound on the earth.

I had been given clues that I would see certain seemingly innocuous signs in the city around me that would lead me to find the entrance. I remember a dull, warm, reddish glow emitting behind the homes of one of my neighbors but I was afraid to investigate as I would have had to scale a fence to check it out. There was an impossibly symmetrical tree jutting directly out of the top of a brick house across the street from me that seemed artificially prominent. It was a massive leafless oak tree. As I approached the perimeter wall a sense of foreboding came over me as if I was about to find what I was looking for but once I found it there was no turning back.

Oddly I couldn’t remember how I got in but I suddenly found myself in a massive expansive industrial cavern. It felt like a combination of the Batcave and Vulcan’s vorge except in a modernist, industrial form. The ceilings were impossibly high and there were enormous brick columns supporting the roof. Behind an enormous desk sat an array of esteemed gentlemen in suits but with glowing eyes and silken tresses that all continuously blew upwards no matter what. They were willing to entrust me with a specific project and the tools to complete my task. They emphatically warned me that failure was not an option and that do so was the most surefire way to ensure my own incredibly uncomfortable demise. I attempted to let myself out of their underground compound and realized the environment was impossibly byzantine and geometrically confusing a la M.C. Escher-style architectural transforms.

Somehow I emerged back again onto the street level feeling immensely empowered but I could not remember exactly what I was supposed to rail against using my newfound skills. A feeling of profound panic settled over me as I racked my brain for purpose.


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