This dream was of such a cliched Anglo-Saxon nature it was almost comical.
I was inside a massive forest, attired quite simply as a traveling knight. I distinctly remember wearing a layered outfit. Chainmail, a tunic with a leather belt, a cloak, and an array of weapons on top of everything My head was uncovered, and I was holding a sword, hilt up, blade down.
I emerged from a wall of trees and in front of me stretched a massive structure. It was very long and narrow and made of stone. It resembled an unnaturally long ceilingless Bavarian inn with multiple, tall, slender, A-frame, vertical extrusions along the edges. These triangular faces were primarily constructed of stained glass and they were radiating multi-colored beams into the interior of the space. The floor space was incredibly long and composed of enormous, wooden floorboards. It gave me the impression of being one enormous nave. I could faintly recognize rows of figures lined up along the floor.
There was a small stone stairwell protruding off of one corner immediately in front of me. I felt amnesiac, like the space was familiar to me but I had forgotten it existed or even that it was located here in the first place. I knew that I was expected to enter the space but couldn’t remember why.
As I stepped up onto the upper level I was greeted by an incredibly long nave-like floorspace. There were no furnishings, just a continuous line of people arranged in two lines facing inward. I was beckoned forward and I began slowly making my way down the central aisle.
I was immediately welcomed with warmth and congratulation. To such an extent that the assembled group felt as if they ought to be family. It was predominantly bearded men garbed as if they were knights or other Arthurian era dignitaries. I proceeded down the aisle created by two long lines of people. Gradually as I walked farther in between them it became more and more obvious that I was being intensely welcomed home. They began patting me on the back and laughing at my bewilderment. I began laughing when I realized it was real and there was nothing malevolent or false about their behavior. I needed to stop to catch my breath as I was overwhelmed by the wave of approval and positive energy coming from them.