I was in a large group of people. They felt alternately like family and classmates. We were trying to find a nice place to stay. It was a recreation-oriented group activity. We had been driving through sort of rough territory for some time until we came upon an enormous open pavilion in the middle of marshlands. As we approached we realized it had a sort of Hellenistic/Arcadian quality; ceilingless, white marble, multiple pools, and ivy and vegetation weaving through the architectural landscape. We exited the car super excited to get inside and claim our spots.

I was the last one out of the car and was walking up a slight incline to get inside when water rapidly rose up around my legs and began rising steadily up to my head. Instead of being worried about drowning, I was instead instantly anxious about the state of my iPhone.

I managed to clamber up onto dry ground and pulled my phone out and realized it was malfunctioning. I managed to dry it out by shaking wiping and eventually using a blowdryer and when I rebooted it had been magically updated to iOS 5 but I had lost my jailbreak, which felt appropriately tragic.

As a group, we had planned to take an outing to a neighboring property that was allegedly extremely haunted. They conducted guided tours for visitors to the grounds, mostly children’s groups and seniors. Someone had an inside connection with one of the managers and we were going to be given a private tour of the most haunted building and were very excited to come face to face with some real-life ghosts.

As we approached the grounds we had to ascend a massive hill that was teeming with children and docents and they were filling in and out of massive barns. We were led to a small waiting room that looked like an old shed but the inside was an old sleeper car. I had to awkwardly file past everyone to get go my seat. As were waiting for our docent we were instructed to read our own tarot. We were given specific instructions on a 5 card spread. At this point, everyone fell asleep spontaneously. When I awoke everyone was still passed out and I went to finish my spread. The cards were of a unique Tibetan variety.

All of the images were of death gods, daikini and animal spirits. When I did my final pull and crossed the last card I realized the reading had only to do with one thing. The inevitability of my own demise.


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