We were in a room, Brooklyn-like creative studio contemplating writing a new album. Bazaar and a whole crew was there. Reminded me of our old video editing suite at 109 S. 5th but bigger and with windows. Still quite stuffy and stank of old concrete. There were studio monitors and a desk full of gear …
Steve Jobs Funeral after fleeing the air hotel
I was trying to hunt for some sort of animal with my younger brother in a dilapidated hotel. It was impossible high in altitude and we were relegated to the topmost floors of the hotel. We got into the penthouse thinking that surely we had chased it to the farthest possible point. It was completely …
Psychic Film Shoot Exorcism
I was visiting my friend’s film shoot. They were shooting a movie in a dilapidated castle. In the process of putting together their stylish horror film, they had attracted the attention of some malevolent etheric forces. Everyone was busy discussing how to scare their audience and how to entrance the most evil possible presence into …
Drowned iPhone, Morbid Tarot & Failed Haunted House Tours
I was in a large group of people. They felt alternately like family and classmates. We were trying to find a nice place to stay. It was a recreation-oriented group activity. We had been driving through sort of rough territory for some time until we came upon an enormous open pavilion in the middle of …
Illuminati Ad-Masters in an Underground Escher Castle
This was a post-Thanksgiving meal dream. I was wandering around New York City attempting to plan some sort of vast marketing/propagandistic initiative. I had been offered the contact information of some prominent ad wizard who I could not seem to get a hold of. It had been suggested that he lived in some sort of …
Golden Child Branding Missile & Defunct Celebrity Rep
I had been given a clue as to the whereabouts of a magical whistle-blowing child. Supposedly, she had knowledge of some extraordinary corporate malfeasance but was in no position to articulate and present her knowledge. I had been tasked with tracking her down and helping extract a palatable quantity of what she knew and repurpose …
Golden Child Steward Transitions to Hellenistic Beard Hero
This is a continuation of the last two dreams. First time in my dream life I had a narrative continue over the course of multiple evenings. I was still attempting to catch hold of the Shirley Temple look-alike and extract the relevant information from her regarding the ground-zero, corporate malfeasance secret. The story continued to …
American Prairie Nomad Family Fail and High-School Gymnasium Obscuration
This dream was unique in the respect that I wasn’t a participant till the very end. I was an educated spectator for the majority as I watched the story unfold. When I did finally appear in the narrative (towards its conclusion) I was so attached empathically to the protagonist I had no choice but to …
Self-Fucking Tarantula tattoos at a wedding
I was going to get a tattoo from a famous artist somewhere in the city. When I walked into the Tattoo parlor there was a long handicapped ramp down into the main space. The floors, walls, and ceiling were covered in a clinically spotless white tile. There was one barber-style chair in the center of …
Met the Devil to Balance Pleasure and Fear
I had just moved into a new live/work space in the city. It was a series of industrial, white art studio-esque rooms almost in a horseshoe shape framing a small concrete courtyard. I had only been on the premises a day or two when I noticed really pronounced disturbances. I couldn’t get any work done, …