I was visiting my friend’s film shoot. They were shooting a movie in a dilapidated castle. In the process of putting together their stylish horror film, they had attracted the attention of some malevolent etheric forces.
Everyone was busy discussing how to scare their audience and how to entrance the most evil possible presence into their creative process. I was sitting on an upper-level balcony watching them plan their shoot. Iridescent passages of energy which I knew to be subtle manifestations of evil energy were swarming about them and attempting to dive in and out of their bodies. I had to actively project protective blasts of nerve energy to block the swirls. One by one I had to pull the various crew members aside and remind them how to engage their protective mechanisms from being interfered with.
Once the various marshalled demonic forces realized I was the primary barrier to their infestation they began converging on me more aggressively. I sat down in a meditative position and began taunting them aggressively and reminding them how substandard evil was and how poorly equipped they were for dealing with an anchored yogi. At this, they unified in a lower octave dominant presence who attempted to physically wrangle with me.
I was seated in a massive stone courtyard and this gigantic black cloud swirled up in front of me. I could feel an electric tingle of energy attempting to enter my spine. As I further concentrated my own forces inside my own spine I managed to construct a geometric truss system of electric light around my body and I used it as a force to dissipate the presence in front of me. I suddenly watched as an orange beam of light shot out of my eyes with various sigils moving along the current and swept the cloud out of the air until the air was completely cleared.